US Announces ‘Whale Force’ Military Division

In response to Japan’s open decision to return to whale hunting, President Trump has announced that the United States will start building up its own fleet of ships.

The mission of the Whale Force is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas,” Trump stated.

Notably aides close to the president disclosed that, up until now, Trump believed the term ‘whale’ only referred to fat women.”

He didn’t know that whales were real and he is now unreasonably terrified of them.”

Trump described his version of how the name and idea for Whale Force came to be.

“You think about the obvious ones like Space Force – right – but sometimes the best ideas are right in front of you all along,” Trump said. “We wanted to name it something to do with the color blue, because the ocean is blue, even from space. In the end we settled on Whale Force and I think that’s just fine.”

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