Trump Sends Federal Agents to Suburbs to Demonstrate How Easy It Is to Steal Your Mail

President Trump is sending federal agents to the US suburbs in order to show citizens just “how easy it is to take their mail.” The move comes in an effort to prove that mail-in ballots will cause large-scale voter fraud … Continue reading Trump Sends Federal Agents to Suburbs to Demonstrate How Easy It Is to Steal Your Mail

Officer Shouts 'They've All Got a Gun!' While Planting Giant WWI Cannon in Crowd

Officer Shouts ‘They’ve All Got a Gun!’ After Wheeling WWI Canon Into Crowd

Police officers are under investigation for grand theft and possession of a prohibited weapon after wheeling a WWI cannon from nearby Gold Medal Park and leaving it in a crowd of protesters in downtown Minneapolis. Three officers have been put … Continue reading Officer Shouts ‘They’ve All Got a Gun!’ After Wheeling WWI Canon Into Crowd